Tuesday, February 2, 2010

if professors were greek

last night, amanda and i, snug in our side-by-side twin beds, talked until 3 am...

- guessing which fraternity or sorority each member of the pc faculty would be in if professors were greek. (personal fav: dr. barr - alpha sig)

- guessing which fraternity or sorority our non-greek friends would be in if they had ever rushed. (personal fav: paul klein - pike)

- laughing about how every time we think we have one of the boys figured out, they do something ridiculously surprising. (personal fav: parker young - found in a study room in the library yesterday... by himself)

- musing about the inner-workings of boy world and wondering if it's anything like girl world. (personal fav: if two boys like the same girl, how do they handle the situation?)

granted, everything is funnier late at night, but i feel pretty confident these thoughts are worth a good laugh any time of day. :)