Saturday, November 21, 2009


there are two terms necessary to understanding me and ash's current state of singleness.  oh, blog fans, a few quick definitions before this post begins:

BJC- acronym for the "Bridgette Jones Club".  based on the movie Bridgette Jones' Diary, the BJC is a club that celebrates singleness and the life of women without men.

CNBC- acronym for the "Christian NoteBook Club".  based on the movie The Notebook, the CNBC is the Christian version of a man who is committed to love all of his lover forever.  (note that the CNBC has a few major differences from the NBC.  One of them being sexual faithfulness, for example.  another being the exclusion of pre- and extra- marital affairs.)

so how do we reconcile the differences between these two equally valuable clubs?  and how can we remain members in good standing of both of these clubs simultaneously?  is such a feat even possible?

let me speak from personal experience my friends, while one can be an advocate of both the BJC and the CNBC, membership in either or both of these clubs does not define you.  i am also learning that my membership status actually doesn't belong to either of these clubs, but instead it belongs to my first lover, my lasting lover: Christ.  though it may be easier to claim total allegiance to the BJC or the CNBC, i have to remember that in trusting God to be enough to satisfy me, whether that means for me singleness or not, he will be faithful to his promises.


Megan U said...

OOOOHHH!!!! I am submitting my application for membership in both of these clubs today!!!

Anonymous said...

can we rephrase your definition please? we are not "women without men." though i know you don't mean it quite like someone could take it...i just want to clarify for all your blog readers!!! we do love our guy friends that love us, take care of us, pull us out of ditches, build us fires, help us whenever we ask, pray for us, encourage know how much they do, or at least i hope you do. :) so let's rephrase that to represent our lives better. we love our guy friends! good luck rephrasing that...i am currently trying to come up with the right phrasing...and failing...

Anonymous said...

it sounds like the BJC is " without men..." that's the ish

Amanda said... good and so true. thanks for reminding me of that abner :).